smallhouse是什么意思中文 四年级下册英语作文Our new house45个单词?

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四年级下册英语作文Our new house45个单词?

new house45个单词?

A few years ago, my family had only a small house. It was very difficult for us three to live in the same room. But now we have moved into a new house near my school. There is a big living room and two bedrooms in it . In the evening I can do my homework carefully in my own bedroom while my parents do the housework or watch TV in the living room. How happy we are!


寮,小屋 [small house]。如:草寮(小茅屋);僧寮(僧人居住的小屋);茶寮(茶舍);寮子(小屋) 所以,“药寮”就是“药舍”,熬药、或卖药的地方。

She lived in a small house.是什么意思,并改写句子?

welivedinasmallhouse:过去我们住在一所小房子里 例句: 1. Manyyearsago,therewerentanybuses.Welivedinasmallhouse. 许多年前,没有任何的公共汽车。我们住在小房子里。
2. Thereamongthehillswelivedinasmallhouseincompleteretirement,doingeverythingforourselves. 在那里我们生活在群山之中的一个远离尘世的小房子里,一切都要我们自己做。 3. Welivedinasmallhouse. 我们住在一所小房子里。


small主要指的是尺寸、重量、体积、程度、数量、价值小,“不重要的,微不足道的”,“幼小的”、“年幼的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只是表示not big, not large。a small girl 一个矮小的女孩