英语句子是怎样组成的 如何判断英语句子的语法结构?

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例1.What are you? 或者You are what? 你是什么(身份)?I am a worker.我是一个工人。
例2.What is he?他是什么(特性)?He is a success.他是一个成功人士。
例3.What is this?这是什么(东西)?It is a pencil.它是一支铅笔。
例4.What is that?那是什么(境况)?That is a hardship.那是一种艰难。
例5.What is that on the table?桌上的那是什么?It is a cup there.它是一个杯子(在那里)。
例 is a key.它是一个关键。You need to know a why, it is a key.你得知道为什么,这是关键。It is a key that you need to know a why.你得知道为什么,这是关键。A key is (it) that you need to know a why.关键是你得知道所以然。
例 are you?你咋样了?I am fine. Thank you. And you?我很好,谢你。而你呢?
例 is he these days?这些天他咋样?He is stressful for a test.为了考试他很紧张。
例 is it in quality?它在品质方面咋样?It is qualified.它是够格的(它被资格)。
例 is he in interaction?他在人际关系上咋样?(他的人脉如何)。He is popular with helping others.他因乐于助人很受人待见。
例 is important.此事很重要。You like to help others. It is important.你乐意助人,这很重要。It is important that you like to help others.你乐意助人这很重要。Important is it that you like to help others.重要的是,你乐于助人。
例12.What are you doing?你在干什么?I am waiting a friend.我在等一个朋友。
例13.What does it work?它起什么作用?It works with enemy as friend.它可以化敌为友。
例 goes with you here.有你在此这事就行。It does without him.没他此事照做。The earth goes round without anybody.少了谁,地球也会转。
例15.Where are you now?你现在哪儿?I am at the gate.我在大门口。
例16.Where is the book?那本书搁哪儿?It is on the desk.它在写字台上。
例 is a fork on the table.有把叉子在餐桌上。On the table (there) is a fork.在餐桌上有把叉子。
例18.Where is a will,there is a success.哪里有意志,那里就有成功。Where there is a will is a success.凡有意志的地方就有成功。
例 is a quality that meets users.满足用户需求,就有一种品质。


没那么简单,尽管英语是固定语序的语言,但主语和谓语保持一致也是必须的。主语对谓语动词的形式是有要求的。某个人称要求相对应的动词形式。不能随便用哪个形式。比如说,我去上学,英文要说 I go to school. 而他去上学,就得说,He goes to school. 都是去上学,但动词不能用一个形式。这就是西方语言的特点,这种词形的变化叫做词法。