before为前缀的单词 MIS前缀的单词?

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同源词:mistake, mislead, misjudge, misunderstand, mishandle, mismanage, misinterpret, mismatch.
1. mistake n. 错误
mis错误 take拿,错拿→错误
make a mistake 犯错误
2. mislead v. 误导
mis错误 lead引导,错误引导→误导;
Many techniques in advertising could mislead young children.
衍生词:misleading a. 误导的
3. misjudge v. 误判
mis错误 judge判断,错误判断→误判
I think you’ve misjudged her.
衍生词:misjudgment n. 误判
4. misunderstand v. 误解
mis错误 understand理解,错误理解→误解
Don’t misunderstand me.
衍生词:misunderstanding n. 误解
5. mishandle 处理不当
mis错误 handle处理,错误处理→处理不当;
The Prime Minister mishandled the crisis.
6. mismanage v.管理不善
mis错误 manage管理,错误管理→管理不善;
The President has mismanaged the economy.
7. misinterpret v. 误解
mis错误 interpret理解,错误理解→误解
She had misinterpreted his silence as anger.
8. mismatch v. 错配
mis错误 match匹配,错误匹配→错配
She was deliberately mismatching articles of clothing.
9. miscarriage n.流产
mis错误 carriage运载,错误运载→流产
She had
two miscarriages
before she had her first child.


before 一段时间 描述主干句子行为发生时间,用法与实际例子结合;跟的是表示时间界限
举例:You should put an end to your task before 4 clock.
We must accomplish the program before June.
一段时间 before 是常用用于句首或句尾的时间状语;跟的确切的表示时间量的词,用于过去式
Ten years boefre,I lived in the small village,so I harboured much passion for it.