英语演讲主题归纳 有哪些主题适合英语演讲的团队展示?

2021 阅读





演讲主要是自己经历过的,能有深的感悟,所以说出来有真情实感流漏,更能引起 听者共鸣,给演讲者加高分,单纯的谈适合英语我觉得太片面,只是适合什么主题表达你所要抒发的内容任何一种语言都可以表达,没有语言的区分。


Mr. Chairman and Members of the Notification Committee: I shall, at an early day, and in a more formal manner, accept the nomination which you tender, and shall at that time discuss the various questions covered by the Democratic platform. It may not be out of place, however, to submit a few observations at this time upon the general character of the contest before us and upon the question which is declared to be of paramount importance in this campaign.
  When I say that the contest of 1900 is a contest of 1900 is a contest between Democracy on the one hand and plutocracy on the other I do not mean to say that all our opponents have deliberately chosen to give to organized wealth a predominating influence in the affairs of the Government, but I do assert that on the important issues of the day the Republican party is dominated by those influences which constantly tend to substitute the worship of mammon for the protection of the rights of man.