b对应的所有音标有哪些 44个音素对应字母组合?

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一、5个短元音 (Short-Vowel Sounds)
(1) // in appleshort(2)// in elephantshort
(3)// in iglooshort (4)// in octopusshort (5) /ǔ/ in umbrella
二、6个长元音 (Long-Vowel Sounds)
(1)/ā/ in cakelong (2)/ē/ in feetlong (3)/ī/ in pielong
(4)/ō/ in boatlong (5)/ū/ (yoo) in mulelong (6)/ōō/ in flew
三、3个R控制的元音 (r-Controlled Vowel Sounds)
(1)/ur/ in fern,bird,and hurt(2)/ar/ in park(3)/or/ in fork
四、18 个辅音 (18 Consonant Sounds)
(1)/b/ in bat(2)/k/ in cat and kite(3)/d/ in dog
(4)/f/ in fan(5)/g/ in goat(6)/h/ in hat
(7)/j/ in jam(8)/l/ in lip(9)/m/ in map
(10)/n/ in nest(11)/p/ in pig(12)/r/ in rat
(13)/s/ in sun(14)/t/ in top(15)/v/ in van
(16)/w/ in wig(17)/y/ in yell(18)/z/ in zip
五、7个双辅音or 复合辅音 (发一个音) (Digraphs)
(1)/ch/ in chin(2)/sh/ in shipunvoiced(3) /th/ in thinvoiced
(4)/hw/ in whip(5) /ng/ in sing(6)/nk/ in sink(7) /w/ insome areas
六、5个双元音和特殊音 (Diphthongs –复合元音,发双音 and Other Special Sounds)
(1)/oi/ in oil and boy(2)/ow/ in owl and ouchshort
(3)// in cook and p


汉语拼音 b 的发音是不送气的清辅音 [p](而不是浊辅音 [b])。浊音:发音时声带震动的音;清音:发音时声带不震动的音。(普通话中所有的元音都是浊音)。区分浊音和清音的方法:双手捂住双耳,这样发音时 自己可以清晰的听出浊音和清音的区别。例:汉语拼音 bo 对应的国际音标 [pu??]。英文字母 P 的读音:[p?i] (其中的清音/p/是送气音)。