fit和fitin什么意思 not every place you fit in is where you belong什么意思?

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not every place you fit in is where you belong什么意思?

every place you fit in is where you belong什么意思?

not every place you fit in is where you belong不是每个地方都适合你的才是属于你的not every place you fit in is where you belong不是每个地方都适合你的才是属于你的


When we buy a cup of coffee, we are asked what size we like, regular or medium, regular is small size in this occasion. 当我们买一杯咖啡时,我们会被问到我们喜欢什么尺寸,常规或中等,在这种情况下常规是小尺寸.


1、fit在用于衣着、鞋帽等场合下的“适合”时,指的是大小、形状、宽松方面;而suit则着重指颜色、款式、色调方面的合适。用法示例如下::(1)That colour doesnt suit her.那种颜色不适合她的肤色。(2)The suit fitted her nicely.这身衣服她穿正合适。
2、如果衣着使某人看上去有吸引力,不能用fit,而要用suit。用法示例如下::I love you in that dress, it really suits you.我很喜欢你穿的这件衣服,它使你看上去很有吸引力。扩展资料:反义词1、unfit 读音:英 [?nf?t]   美 [?nf?t]    adj. 不合适的;不健康的 vt. 使不合格例句:The water is unfit for drinking.这水不宜饮用。2、misfit  读音:英 [m?sf?t]   美 [m?sf?t]    n. 不能适应社会或工作环境的人;不适合例句:He applied for a transfer due to a misfit of the current job.由于不适应目前的工作,他提出了调任申请。