歌词you shoot me down katy perry的firework歌词中文翻译(顺便带英文原版,方便对照)?

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katy perry的firework歌词中文翻译(顺便带英文原版,方便对照)?


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, 你可曾想过自己像个垃圾袋, drifting through the wind 在风中飘来飘去, wanting to start again? 想要重新开始? Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin 你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄 like a house of cards, 就像一屋子的卡, one blow from caving in? 风一吹就会倒下? Do you ever feel already buried deep? 你可曾想过,自己被埋得很深? 6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing 在六尺下喊呀喊但谁都听不见 Do you know that theres still a chance for you 你知不知道其实你还有希望? Cause theres a spark in you 因为你心里还是有火花 You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine 你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮 Just own the night like the 4th of July 把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日 Cause baby youre a firework 因为宝贝你是个烟花 Come on, show em what youre worth 来吧,让他们看你值多少 Make em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你闪过天空-空-空 Baby, youre a firework 宝贝,你是个烟花 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,让你的颜色爆发 Make em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 Youre gonna leave em falling down-own-own 你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒 You dont have to feel like a waste of space 你不用觉得你再浪费位置 Youre original, cannot be replaced 你是独一无二的,不能被取代 If you only knew what the future holds 要是你知道未来掌握着什么 After a hurricane comes a rainbow 飓风后的彩虹 Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed 可能你是所有门都关上的理由 So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road 所以你就能开一扇让你到达完美路途的门 Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow 就像闪电,你的心会爆发 And when its time, youll know 到了对的时间,你就会知道 You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine 你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮 Just own the night like the 4th of July 把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日 Cause baby youre a firework 因为宝贝你是个烟花 Come on, show em what youre worth 来吧,让他们看你值多少 Make em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你闪过天空-空-空 Baby, youre a firework 宝贝,你是个烟花 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,让你的颜色爆发 Make em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 Youre gonna leave em falling down-own-own 你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒 Boom, boom, boom 叭,叭,叭 Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon 比月亮还亮 Its always been inside of you, you, you 从以前都一直在你内心里 And now its time to let it through-ough-ough 现在是该放开的时间 Cause baby youre a firework 因为宝贝你是个烟花 Come on, show em what youre worth 来吧,让他们看你值多少 Make em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你闪过天空-空-空 Baby, youre a firework 宝贝,你是个烟花 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,让你的颜色爆发 Make em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 Youre gonna leave em falling down-own-own 你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒 Boom, boom, boom 叭,叭,叭 Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon 比月亮还亮 Boom, boom, boom 叭,叭,叭 Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon 比月亮还亮


1.put on 增加(体重);发胖
about 关心; 在乎
3.end up 最终成为, 最后处于
only ……but also……不但……而且……
down 射下
to do 过去常常做……
sb. of 使某人想起
out 分发 发放
water festival 泼水节
Chinese spring festival 中国春节
year 明年
like 听起来像
13.each other 互相 彼此