make out of什么意思中文 make sth out of造句?

1948 阅读


make sth out of造句?

sth out of造句?

they make cloth out of cotton

make sense out of什么意思?

make sense out of的意思是有意义,弄明白。Trying to make sense out of it all.希望弄明白到底是怎么回事。
You should try to make sense out of the world in a way that would matter to us, and if we are lucky, would matter to other people.你们要试着从这个世界得到一些道理,以一种对我们有意义的方式,如果我们幸运的话,还能对其他人有意义。


假装,装作:He made out to be ill.
他假装生病。Anna has always made out that her father was rich, but it isnt true.

如何区分make 介词的用法,如下?

----1. make prep/adv
make up 化妆
make like 假装
make off逃离
make for 促使
make much 重视
------ prep/adv
.make up to sb 讨好、巴结某人
.make up for sth in/with 弥补
.make towards sth 移动,移向
.make sth of sb/sth 了解、理解
.make sb/sth into sth 将.制成(变成)
.make out 听出,看出,辨认出
.make off 溜掉,匆忙离开
.make off with sth 抢走,拿走(他人之物)
.make for sth 朝.走去,朝.前进
.make away with sb/sth 偷窃(某物)
.make the most of 充分利用(同make the best of)
.make use of sth.利用某物
.make a go of sth 尽力以使某事成功
.make too much of 过分重视
.make a day/night/evening of it 花整天/整夜/整个晚上的时间做某事
.make out a cheque/bill etc 开支票/帐单等
.make sb out to be sth 假称,把.说成
.make out a case (for) 找到充分的理由证明(解释)