nothing on you 歌词大意 ina-waitforyou歌词翻译?

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nothing on you 歌词大意



I will wait for you
Keep you safe when winds are blowing wild
狂风席卷时 护你周全
Bring you up when you are feeling down
在你沮丧低落时 帮你振作
Like oceans deep Ill dive into your mind
就像那深邃的海洋 我会潜入你的心海中
Steady on the ground Ill be your guide
在你心中稳稳扎根 我会成为你向导
So dont you worry baby
所以 不必担心 宝贝
We just gotta learn how to get through the hard times
Cause when youll hold me nothings ever lonely
因为当你把我紧抱 我就再也不孤独了
I will be your only I will wait for you
我会成为你的唯一 我会为你等候
And when youre crying wipe your tears and dry em
当你落泪时 帮你擦干泪水
I will get you high again我会让你再次快乐起来
I will wait for you I will wait for you
我会为你等候 我会为你等候
I will wait for you
I will wait for you I will wait for you
Dont ever have to feel alone
Anywhere with me will be your home
与我相随 天涯海角都是归属
Ill be there when nothings come and go
我会一直在你身边 任一切来去匆匆
So let me be your hand when you feel low
所以 让我成为你低落时 把你扶起的那双援手吧
So dont you worry baby
所以宝贝 你不必担心
We just gotta learn how to get through the hard times
Cause when youll hold me nothings ever lonely
因为你把我紧抱时 我就再也不孤单了
I will be your only I will wait for you
我会成为你的唯一 我会为你等候
And when youre crying wipe your tears and dry em
在你落泪时 为你擦干眼泪
I will get you high again I will wait for you
我会让你再次快乐起来 我会为你等候
And when youre falling I will be your savior
在你低落时 我会成为你的救星
Savior from the darkness I will wait for you
把你从黑暗中拯救出来 我会为你等候
Cause we keep fighting to get us through the storms
Take our time recovering I will wait for you
把握时光 重焕新生 我会为你等候
I will wait for you I will wait for you you you
我会为你等候 我会为你等候
I will wait for you you you我会为你等候
Cause when youll hold me nothings ever lonely
因为你把我紧抱时 我就再也不孤单了
I will be your only I will wait for you
我会成为你的唯一 我会为你等候
And when youre crying wipe your tears and dry em
在你落泪时 为你擦干眼泪
I will get you high again I will wait for you
我会让你再次快乐起来 我会为你等候
I will wait for you


nothing的意思是没什么,毫不,句中作为名词、副词、代词等使用。一、词汇分析nothing英 [n?θ??] 美 [n?θ??] neg. 没什么;毫不n. 无;零;不关紧要之事adv. 毫不;决不pron. 无事;无物int. 什么也没有二、短语1、do nothing 什么也不做,无所事事2、nothing to do with 与……无关3、for nothing 免费;徒然4、have nothing to do 无事可做三、例句1、He is focused on nothing but winning.他只关注胜利。2、After all, 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing.毕竟,15分钟的锻炼比没锻炼强。
近义词有 none , nowise。一、none英 [n?n] 美 [n?n] pron. 没有人;一个也没有;没有任何东西adj. 没有的,一点没有的adv. 决不,一点也不1、None of us knew how to treat her.我们中没有任何人知道该如何对待她。2、You could end up none the wiser about managing your finances.你最终可能一点儿也不会比以前更会理财。二、nowise英 [n??wa?z] 美 adv. 决不,毫不