关系代词只能用that的口诀 为什么定语从句中有 any用that?

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为什么定语从句中有 any用that?


定语从句的引导词叫关系代词,这个关系代词可以是that, which,who等,那么如果先行词是某物的时候,我们用that,which,但是如果先行词有几种情况的时候,只用that不用which,其中包含先行词是或含有最高级,不定代词,序数词等,那么any anything就属于不定代词,如果先行词出现anything的时候,关系代词只能用that不用which。


His father was shot by someone who tried to rob his small retail shop.
指人的不定代词除someone以外还有 Somebody,everyone,everybody,anyone,one, ones,few, those等。他们做先行词,定语从句都用who,而不用that,举例如下:
Anyone who has a sense of duty wont do such a thing.
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