get close to和be close to的区别 get close to是什么意思?

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get close to是什么意思?

close to是什么意思?

get close to[英][ɡet kluz tu:][美][ɡt kloz tu]接近; 附; 迫临; 际; 例句 do we get close to them我们如何接近他们 hard for you to get close to people要你跟人亲近些有这么困难吗

close to和close with的区别?

close to的意思是接近于,在什么的近旁
close with意思是靠近,接受,以什么结束

英语词组:get up close to是什么意思?和close to有什么区别?

get up close to在接近几点钟的时候起床例句: He always gets up close to 7:00 am. in the morning.他常常在快到早上7点钟的时候起床。close to 靠近某人例句: He walked close to him. 他走近他。

Get close to sth造句简单?

Get close to sth的中文意思是“靠近,接近”
They had rummaged around his thorax, trying to get close to the arrowhead and the tissue around it.他们对他的胸腔周围进行了仔细的检查,试图靠近箭头及其周围的组织。
Children craned to get close to him.

get close的反义词?

get close意思是接近,靠近。其反义词为far away from(远离)。
It takes me a long time to drop my guard and get close to people.
Michael sat down as far away from her as possible