say so 爵士舞蹈详细教学 求一首欢快的英文歌,歌词中反复出现i wanna say……是男生唱的?

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求一首欢快的英文歌,歌词中反复出现i wanna say……是男生唱的?

wanna say……是男生唱的?

Fighter(NBA季后赛主题曲)的歌词,Christina Aguilera
When I, thought I knew you 我本以为我了解您
Thinking, that you were true 以为您是公正的
I guess I, I couldnt trust (而现在)我想我,我不再会信赖你
Called your bluff, time is up 我要揭露你的虚张声势,时间已经到了
Cause Ive had enough 因为我已经受够了!
You were, there by my side 你曾站在我旁边
Always, down for the ride 总被我列入乘车的名单
But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的好运到头了
Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪可耻地将我出卖
After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷和欺骗之后
You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你或许认为我会永远地诅咒你仇恨你
But, uh uh, oh no, youre wrong 但是,噢噢,噢不,你错了
Cause if it wasnt for all that you tried to do 因为如果不是由于你试图所做的一切
I wouldnt know just how capable I am to pull through 我不会发现我在困难中所喷发的能量
So I wanna say thank you 所以我想谢谢你
Cause it makes me that much stronger 因为你的所作所为使我更强大
Makes me work a little bit harder 令我比以往更加地努力
It makes me that much wiser 你也使我更加智慧
So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士
Made me learn a little bit faster 你还使我更快地学习
Made my skin a little bit thicker 使我更加坚强
Makes me that much smarter 使我更加聪明
So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士


make and say的英文:做和说 say 读法 英 [se?] 美 [se]
1、vt. 讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明
2、vi. 讲;表示;念;假定;背诵 短语: 1、say well 说得对,说得好 2、hard to say 很难说
3、say sorry to 对……说对不起
4、let us say 比如说;假定;假如说
5、so to say 可以这么说