go by的含义 go的所有动词词组?

2761 阅读

go by的含义



go after 追求,设法获得
go on 继续
go on with 继续
go against 反对,违背
go ahead 向前,干吧,说吧,用吧
go by 从旁经过
go down下降,倒下
go up上涨
go in for 酷爱
go over 走过去,温习
go through仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,通过
go wrong出毛病,
go out出去,熄灭
go around到处去,传开
go swimming去游泳
goes on继续;持续
go to school去上学
go to bed上床睡觉
goes home回家
go out for a walk出去散步
go away走开
goes down降落
go back回去
go on with继续做某事
go a little way 不大有作用,走一点点路
go a long way 走了一大段路,采取主动
go about 着手做,从事,走动,传开
go across 走过 5、go after v.追逐,追求
go against 反对,违反,不利于
go against the stream 逆流而行,反潮流
go ahead 前进
go all lengths 竭尽全力
go all out 全力以赴
go all the way 完全一致
go along 前进,进行,赞同,支持
go along with 一起去,赞同,附和
go at 扑向,着手干,尽全力干


Vegetables usually go bad as soon as we are at sea.我们一到海上,蔬菜通常都烂了。“go”的意思是“变为”,“变得”。又如:
One question is that these telephones keep going wrong.问题是,这种电话经常出毛病。
Go用于实义动词,除了作“去”、“走”(如:go to school)之意外,go还有多种引申义,在不同的语境中含义不同:
① Services also go by many different names.服务也有多种名目。
② The pain has gone.止疼了。
③ There goes the bell.铃响了。
④ One of the stories goes like this.其中一个故事是这样讲的。