expense的名词和动词是什么 cut in cut off cut down cut out有什么区别?

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cut in cut off cut down cut out有什么区别?

in cut off cut down cut out有什么区别?

cut up 切碎, 切割开;cut in 插嘴, 打断;cut off 切〔隔〕断;cut down 把…砍倒〔割掉〕 减少, 降低;
cut用作动词t(v.)This knife is not sharp enough to cut the steak.这把刀子不够利,无法切牛排。
Dont cut your finger on the broken glass.别让碎玻璃割伤你的手。
Face round, please, so that I can cut your hair at the back.转一下头, 好让我可以剪你后面的头发。
Please cut out the expense in order to save the money.为了节省钱,请削减开支。
His cruel remarks cut me deeply.他那无情的话太伤我的心了。
He insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal.他坚持让我们在每次发牌前都让他来最后切牌。
The fate of the game will be decided in the final cut of the cards.这局牌的命运将由最后的切牌决定。
cut用作名词t(n.)His cheek was badly scarred by a knife cut.他的面颊上留有严重的刀疤。
He had a finger cut off by a machine while working.他在工作时被机器切掉了一个手指。


1、information 信息
2、inject 注入;注射
3、incident 事件
4、innocent 无辜的;无罪的
5、intense 热情的;强烈的
6、involve 包含;使参与
7、iron 铁器;铁制品
8、island 岛;岛屿;岛状物


!expend的名词形式是expenditure,n. 经费,支出额;(时间、金钱、精力等的)消耗,花费
When using expenditure approach identity to measure the contributions of its components to GDP, the result is that net export only contributes a little to GDP, or import contributes negative to GDP.